Outdoor Hanging Banners

Outdoor Hanging Banners

Outdoor hanging banners can make a major impact for businesses. Made from highly durable, weather-resistant materials using advanced printing technologies, these make it possible to show off brands and messages in virtually any type of environment or conditions. These outdoor hanging signs for businesses grab attention from passersby. Whether your client needs to promote an upcoming event, advertise a sale or simply announce their presence to the world, these provide you with the perfect solution.

These custom outdoor hanging signs are ideal for promoting events, advertising or branding in any indoor or outdoor environment. Banners are available in custom sizes ranging from minimum 2' wide/high to maximum 10' wide/high. Choose from several finishing options described below.


No Finishing
No finishing (scrim)
Hem Only
Hem only (canvas)
Hem and Grommet
Hem & #3 grommet
Rope and Grommet
Rope & #3 grommet
Pole Pocket
3" Pole pocket

For pricing on Outdoor Hanging Banners, click here.

Indoor vinyl banner


Our mesh vinyl outdoor hanging signs are a great choice because their waterproof materials make them virtually impervious to the weather. You can leave them outside and still expect them to be as bright and colorful as they were the day before. But they’re not just good for outdoor use — they can make just as big of an impact when used indoors, as well. Their durability means they can be used inside and resist fading from the sun. The mesh layer between the vinyl layers means these can stand up to almost anything.

Banners allow wind to stream through for durability
2' wide/high to maximum 10' wide/high


One of the biggest advantages canvas banners have over other types is their aesthetic appeal. These weather-resistant banners are made from the same material used for many boat sails, giving them a classier and more-sophisticated look than vinyl, which can be shinier. This makes canvas a good choice for indoor signage or outdoor promotions. Although it’s slightly less durable than vinyl, canvas still makes a great choice for use outside because it can withstand a lot of punishment from the weather.

Water and UV resistant
2' wide/high to maximum 10' wide/high
Indoor fabric banner
Indoor vinyl banner


Featuring a layer of mesh laminated onto the vinyl, these water-resistant banners are popular for a wide range of applications. The mesh provides the banner with added strength, making it possible for them to be used indoors or outside, depending on the requirements. These work well with virtually all types of exterior banner hanging systems, making them ideal for practically any application.

Durable and weather-resistant, scrim hanging banners are ideal for long-term outdoor use
2' wide/high to maximum 10' wide/high