learn to exhibit better with tips from nimlok

Trade Show Tips To Become A Better Exhibitor
Trade shows represent a microcosm of the wider marketing world by combining several marketing strategies into one promotional vehicle. If you are planning to tackle a new trade show marketing campaign, you may need a little help navigating the various challenges associated with exhibiting at a face-to-face marketing event. Below, we provide three important lessons for exhibitors looking to improve their trade show program.
Ask For Discounts From Show Vendors
Trade show exhibitors must budget for a variety of expenses surrounding a show, including exhibit space, warehouse receiving and shipping, purchasing promotional materials, travel expenses and show services such as installation, dismantle and drayage.
Many show service vendors will provide discounts for meeting certain deadlines, paying in cash or for purchasing items or services in bulk, so make sure to ask about discounts beforehand.
Find The Right Exhibit Partner
When searching for the right exhibit partner it is important to submit a list of questions and concerns before entering your first consultation. Create a questionnaire ahead of time to guide the conversation and to make sure all of your concerns are addressed.
The questionnaire can ask simple questions such as number of years in business, description of services, main contact, customer references as well as additional supplier and partner references. You will discover a lot about potential exhibit partners by asking the right questions.
Overall, it is important to find an exhibit partner that offers exhibit design and execution capabilities that fit the need of your company. Watch the video below to learn how TreeHouse Foods selected their exhibit partner based on their specific needs.
Tracking And Measurement
Trade shows require a significant investment in time and money, making it essential for exhibitors to measure not just how much is spent on an event, but also the effectiveness of the campaign.
Good measurement informs an exhibitor of the strengths and weakness of their trade show program and can be done by asking staff, peers and even competitors for honest feedback and critique. Exhibitors can also attend classes and webinars on emerging event marketing technology and strategies to help improve their program.
If you would like to learn more trade show marketing ideas for exhibitors, download our Beginner to Winner: Trade Show Guide to Become a Better Exhibitor, which contains expert advice on how to take your trade show strategy to the next level.
Download The 5-Step Plan To Become A Better Exhibitor
Download Nimlok's Beginner to Winner e-book, designed to help you become a better exhibitor in five concise chapters. Complete the fields below to receive your free e-book.